Operations Apprenticeships

Over 100 Years In Business Rgb

Over 100 years of business

On Site Manufacture Rgb

On site manufacturing in the UK

Quality Rgb

Industry leading quality

40 Years Electronics Rgb

Over 40 years of electronics for military platforms

As an Ultra PCS Apprentice you will be taken through a combination of training within an operations team focused on the manufacture and testing of electronic and mechanical equipment.

Throughout the 3 to 4 year apprenticeship you will learn to manufacture, test and support a wide variety of high precision products within the Operations team. Working within a team of Operators, Technicians and Engineers to develop experience and skills relevant to roles within the team.

Our training partner is Gloucester Engineering Training (GET) based in Gloucester. GET provides the first-year practical delivery and the following years of classroom-based learning.

More information about GET can be found on their website – www.get-trained.org

The remainder of your time will be spent gaining on-the-job experience at the Ultra PCS site based in Cheltenham.

Candidates should hold a minimum of 4 GCSE's or equivalent above Grade 4 (Grade C) including English, Mathematics and a Science. 

We are looking for individuals who want to learn. You may be interested in engineering, like solving problems, fixing things or investigating. You do not need to have practical experience, as the skills required will be developed through the apprenticeship.

To register your interest please click below:

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