• We innovate to ensure mission success for our customers in the air and on the ground

Over 100 Years In Business Rgb

Over 100 years of business

On Site Manufacture Rgb

On site manufacturing in the UK

Quality Rgb

Industry leading quality

40 Years Electronics Rgb

Over 40 years of electronics for military platforms

We solve our customers’ problems, providing engineering solutions to safety and mission critical challenges in the air and on the ground. 

Our solutions can be found in the latest military aircraft and vehicles, in civil aircraft, and in unmanned vehicles. 

We help to ensure our customers get to where they need to be safely, achieve their objectives and keep on going back.

Stores Ejection

Designing mission critical solutions that help our customers get the job done.

Critical Control

Providing safety critical control systems where size weight and power are limited, and the environment is challenging.

Data Processing

Ultra PCS has been at the forefront of the effort to generate generic architectures for vehicles, and has developed innovative health and usage monitoring, test sets and noise and vibration control for aircraft.

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